In English: About us

The Swedish Standards Consumers & Workers Council, (the Council), was established in 1990 as “SIS Consumers Council” to promote consumer participation in standardization. Since the year 2000, the target groups have been extended to include end-user representatives from unions, as well as from disability, environmental and other non-profit organizations.

Purpose and tasks

The main purpose of the Council is to promote end-user representation in standardization and also promote the application of relevant standards.

The Council’s tasks:

To strengthen the participation of end- user representatives (from consumer, workers, disability, environmental and other non-profit organizations) in both national and international standardization projects.

  • To encourage interest from end- user representatives through information, training and grants for the costs of participating in standardization projects and international meetings.
  • To monitor and evaluate standardization projects of interest to end-user groups
  • To increase the knowledge of how and in which areas end-user representation will lead to standards that are better and fit for purpose.

Introductory course in English

The course is called “Societal stakeholders and standards” and is held in English. It is an interactive web-based training and it provides a clear and simple introduction to standards and the standardization process at national, European and global levels.

The various course elements guide you through what a standard is, how they are developed and their important role in protecting consumers, workers and the environment. It also highlights the importance of civil society engaging in standardization to improve, strengthen and give legitimacy to the standardization system.

ANEC, ECOS and ETUC have together with CEN-CENELEC developed the training.

You can find the web training here:

Societal stakeholders and standards

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